
Sunday, November 8, 2015

How to be a successful Engineer?

By Khalifa ALHammadi

In order to be successful in anything in life you must work hard for it. Hard work can get you anything you desire no matter how big it is. Hard work applies for engineering as well; to be a successful engineer you must work hard for it. Hard work is not the only thing; you must work in a smart way as well. There are some tips that help any engineer to be successful by smart and hard work. The first thing is setting a goal, you first must know how much successful you want to be and then start working to reach it. Another tip gaining the required skills by practicing. For instance, team work skills can only be obtained by working with a group. Working on more than one project with several teams is considered as hard work. While, interacting with the teammates professionally is considered as smart work. Another tip for becoming a successful engineer is focusing on improving skills that you are good in.

Last but not least, to know whether you are on the right track or no, evaluate yourself after a period of time and see what are the improvements. If there were improvements, then continue until you reach your goal and if there were no improvements try another way that will strengthen your skills. These tip are not only for engineers; other fields may do the same thing but with minor differences. The link below has 10 tips explained in details.

Works Cited:

Linda. Success Ladder. Digital image. Http:// Langevin Blog, 21 Apr. 2014. Web. 8 Nov. 2015.

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