
Sunday, November 22, 2015

Instrumentation and Measurement

By Boyuan Sun

Talking about instrumentation many of you may not have any idea. I was with you when I saw this word at the first time. However, what I do know is how to use a ammeter when I jumbled with my father’s utilities ten years ago.

Using an ammeter is a process involved with sophisticated and complicated measurements. In industrial and computer programming field correct and accurate measurements are extremely important. The instrumentation, as an ability of measuring or monitor, is a process to diagnose errors and under control the performance of industrial systems.

The description of control and instrumentation engineer is the job responsible for designing, developing, installing, managing and/or maintaining equipment which is used to monitor and control engineering systems, machinery and processes. [1]

For instance, the application we are using in our cell phone are corrected by the instrumentation system. The whole process relies on the execution coverage back feed to the processor which usually is a series of checking code, just like the functionality of a multimeter in a circuit.

The main problem this subject trying to solve is to measure the tiniest signal possible happening in a system. Whenever, this problem is met the technique called instrumentation amplifier should be used in the case. Using different technologies various signals are transformed into some information which is more obvious and easier to read.

[1] “Control and instrumentation engineer” Prospcets. n.p.n.d. Web. Nov 2015.

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