
Saturday, September 26, 2015

Prompt #2 Codes Of Ethics

By: Khalifa ALHammadi

Ethics are involved in everything; people in their daily life face situations that can be done in a wrong or right way. For instance, a college student walking to the class can wait for the red signal when there are no cars in the road and or just cross the road knowing that it is wrong. This is one of the situations that occurs to the student at the beginning at the day, imagine how many decisions do people take in their daily life without even thinking about it and relating it to ethics.

Most of engineering societies such as AIChe, IEEE and NSPE developed codes of Ethics for their members. According to the American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChe) Engineers must “use their knowledge and skill for the enhancement of human welfare.” (AIChe). To achieve this goal members or engineers must “accept responsibility for their actions, seek and heed critical review of their work and offer objective criticism of the work of others.” (AIChe). All Chemical engineers know these codes because if they do not disasters may happen because they work with huge amounts of hazardous materials compared to others. All people know that professionals who work in this field are strict in following rules and the ethical guidelines because they understand the risk of this job. For me, I understand the responsibility that I will have when considering a job in Oil Company. I am going to follow all the rules and consider all the codes of ethics.

Works Cited:
AIChe, "Code of Ethics.", Web. 26 Sept. 2015.

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